
AprioMed develops, manufactures, markets and sells innovative medical devices and related services within the field of interventional radiology.

AprioMed develops, manufactures, markets and sells innovative medical devices and related services within the field of interventional radiology, including Bonopty®, Morrison Steerable Needle®, Gangi-SoftGuard®, Gangi-HydroGuard, SeeStar®, SeeGrid™ and DuoGuide® & TaperTip™.

We aim to deliver, in close collaboration with healthcare practitioners, innovative quality tools to achieve the most favourable solutions for radiologists worldwide.

AprioMed develops, manufactures, markets and sells innovative medical devices and related services within the field of interventional radiology.

We aim to deliver, in close collaboration with healthcare practitioners, innovative quality tools to achieve the most favourable solutions for radiologists worldwide.

Product Categories

  • Bonopty Bone Biopsy System 12G
  • Morrison Steerable FNA Needle
  • SeeStar Guiding Device
  • SeeGrid Positioning Device
  • Gangi-SoftGuard Coaxial Needle
  • Gangi-HydroGuard Hydrodissection Needle

Get in touch

Contact us on +27 12 764 5805 or send an email to info@babcockhealth.co.za.